August 31, 2011 I decided to take a pregnancy test. I, of course, hoped for good news, but knew it would be a waste of a test. It was about a week or so too early to know anything. About 3-4 days too early, even for the EARLY results kind. Anyway, there it was. Positive as can be:)
(Or course, I took two)
I went to the doctor and had levels drawn. The assumption was that I'd start the usual progesterone supplements right away. Not only were they fine, they were a little higher than usual.
At this point we were just so happy to be expecting our third little miracle. As a bonus, we were relieved to have good news when the labs called, not more meds!
September 20, 2011 We went for our 6 week ultrasound to confirm viability. As soon as the tech pulled up the picture on the screen, I yelled "there's two!" I new right away. I only saw two gestational sacs, but thankfully there were also two babies with two heartbeats!
The next few days were a blur really. We would normally have waited longer to tell people, but we were in such shock, we couldn't keep the news to ourselves. We shared the news with parents, family, a few close friends. Some of the reactions we got were priceless.
Baby A above, baby B below
I was told by a few moms of twins to start taking belly pictures weekly once I started showing. I took pictures about once a month, sometimes twice, during my previous pregnancies. I honestly didn't believe anyone could tell a difference in just seven days. Well, I was wrong! I can't believe how quickly things progess with two! It's been such a wild ride so far!
I only wish I would have been a little more consistent with the pictures (same distance away, facing same direction, etc). I also wish I had had Stephen take them:) But I could never remember when he was home, so this will have to do!
12 weeks

14 weeks

16 weeks

17 weeks