Today, October 11th, Sara attended Gabriella's first baby shower! It was graciously hosted by Kathy Payne and I'm sure we'll be talking about it for a while. I'm won't go into specific detail about guests and gifts, but from Sara, Heather, and Karen's account, it was an excellent time. Thanks again to all of our friends and family who are helping us accumulate all of the things a baby girl needs. (unfortunately I do not have photos to post of this event but they are coming)
While Sara was representing Gabriella at the shower, I was getting some much needed R&R. This morning I woke up at 5:30 to eat breakfast and start warming up for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in downtown Knoxville. Sara and I went down to the event and were quite surprised at the vastness of it. Covering the field at World's Fair Park were 20 or so vendors promoting breast cancer awareness, making sure the runner's have what they needed. Even Starbucks was there handing out free coffee to be sure we all stayed caffeinated! It was very moving being around the breast cancer survivors and also those who were walking or running in memory of a loved one taken by the terrible disease or in celebration of a survivor. But today was a day of triumph, and I refused not to join in. It was my first official race ever and I ran hard and pretty well. I felt great afterwards and I cannot wait to run my next race.
Wednesday, Oct 8th Sara completed her comphrensive exam for nursing school! I was talking about how proud she makes me and someone I work with asked me, "On a scale from 1 -10 how proud of her are you?"
I didn't verbally respond but instead held up both of my hands and I actually grew an extra finger on my right hand to authoritatively answer, "11!" But I digress...
Now that we're in the final stretch, we have been working on getting Gabriella's room transformed from an office to a nursery. Sara and her mom did a fantastic job of cleaning and organizing all of my junk that I had stowed away in the room. And I have been doing a little painting upstairs and downstairs. It's not all done but it is very close.
With all of the events to catch you up on, I forgot to mention just how well Sara and Gabriella are doing. They are working well as a team and everybody is very healthy.
Congrats on the marathon and the baby! I am sure you guys are so excited! In case you do not remember me, Stephen, we met at Clark and Christie's house one night over a year ago and played games for quite some time. Anyhow, I found your blog via the Werner's and just thought I would stop by. Hope all continues to go well with the pregnancy and again congratulations.
So excited about the preparations for the nursery!! I know you guys are so thrilled and anxiously waiting to meet her. Way to go Stephen on your first official race!! Not too shabby!!! Justin is thinking of the marathon too so looks like Sara and I will become "runner's wives" come January.....
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