Here are some pictures from the pre-wedding festivities. For our Girls' Night Out, we had dinner at P.F. Chang's then headed over to Baker Peter's. Cheers!
Bride-to-be and Matron of Honor (sounds so old!) at the Bridal Tea:
Gabriella and Eva (Kaleb's niece) practicing their wagon-riding skills at the rehearsal. Can you tell Ella took her job VERY seriously? ;) 
Heather and best friend Ginny:
Bride and Groom at the rehearsal dinner. Kaleb looks so nervous here!
Stephen is so excited to have a new brother-in-law: 
Ella and I getting ready for the wedding. I can tell I am already tired at this point! Being in a wedding is more exhausting than you would think 6+ months pregnant...or maybe it was just keeping up with the crazy flower girl;)
The quality of my pictures don't do her justice, but here's a few of the STUNNING bride! 
The three of us at the reception. Please look at our daughter cheesin'!!!
Me and my best friend, Stephanie. Man, oh man, do I look pregnant in this one!