Here are a few pictures of her bedding. The tulip pattern is the main print, the other two coordinate (sheets, crib skirt, etc.) I really like it! Her furniture will be white. I'll post pictures of the actual nursery, of course, when we get to that point:)

I'm quite a bit behind in my blogging....again. Here's the belly at 28 weeks. So far, everything is going wonderfully. I passed my gestational diabetes test (the first time, this time! Whew!) I've been getting RhoGAM injections (OUCH!) every 12 weeks due to some bleeding/clots they found at an early ultrasound. Since I'm Rh- and Stephen is Rh+, Harper could be either. The shots are basically given to prevent my blood from clashing with Harper's if she has a different blood type. Got my last one today, thankfully!
Harper is growing like a weed in there! She is consistently measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. No surprise there - looks like we'll have another big baby! I did an ultrasound at 30 weeks and she is approximately 4 pounds at this point. Hard to believe! We will do one at the Ob on July 16th (34 weeks), so that will give us a more accurate estimate. I'll try to post my 32 week picture this week sometime:)
(28 weeks)
1 comment:
You make me want a girl :) I love the colors for the nursery! There is NO pink in this house, and I'm actually a little jealous of the pretty colors that must bombard yours!
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