This year, we started our day at home watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. I always enjoy watching the parades, and I'm glad Ella does too! She loved all the singing and dancing, the music and the bands. She kept pointing out all her favorite character floats. That afternoon, we enjoyed Thanksgiving lunch with Mom's side.
This was Heather and Kaleb's first year as a married couple (as a couple actually!!!), and they decided to spend the day with the HUGE White family:) I know lots of people travel for the holidays, and most families are spread across different cities or states. Since the Worley/Lawson families all live in town, we've never had to split up! It seemed strange not to have H and K there! I guess that's part of growing up, huh? :)
Here are a few pictures we took at Thanksgiving...before all the eating.
Of course, our attempt is always to get a good picture of the four of us. Sometimes, the 3, 4 or 20 takes before the good one end up being worth just as much.

Our typical 2-year-old...can't stand in one spot for more than 2 seconds

I love how many pictures we have of the side of Harper's face! She's ALWAYS watching her big sister:)

Ella and her Grandma enjoying an after-dinner tea party

After lunch, we went to the Fantasy of Trees to kick off the Christmas season. It gets more fun every year. Ella got to participate in some of the games and crafts they have set up for kids this year. I remember taking a family picture there last year. We didn't even know about Harper yet. It's crazy to think about how much Ella has grown since then and that she now has a baby sister! Even harder to realize that Harper will be old enough to participate in the festivities next year....they are growing so fast!

Surprisingly, not a huge fan of the carousel. I guess it was a little overwhelming. She tried it though!

Heather and Harper watching us ride the carousel:

Decorating cookies!

They had face painting, but Ella wanted to get fer hand painted instead!

She was so proud of her candy cane:)