Sunday, March 6, 2011


Seeing as how I am consistently about 2-3 months behind on my blogging, I thought I'd take a break from playing catch-up and record some things Ella's been saying lately. This is such a fun stage as she learns new words and phrases almost daily! It's almost sad when she learns to say a word correctly...her version of words is always sooooo cute!

A conversation we had about a month ago:

Me: Ella, look! The sun is shining! Did you know who made the sunshine?
Ella: GOD!?!
Me: yes, that's right! Who made the sky?
Ella: God did it! Animals and birds?
Me: yup, He did that too. Who made the trees and the leaves?
Ella: (long pause) Daddy did that.

We were driving through a really nice neighborhood one night with some very large houses. Ella was in the back looking at a book. We assumed she wasn't even paying attention when she exclaimed, "ooooh, look! BIG castle!" Love her:)

Last one...for now:)

We had a really bad thunderstorm about a week ago. Ella kept looking at the sky lights and saying "Rain! Loud!" Then she paused and pointed up at it, "Loud noise?"
Me: That's thunder, Ella
Ella: Turn it off
Me: I cant turn it off. I just comes sometimes with the rain
Ella: Rain? Blender?
Me: No, Ella. It's THUNDER. Sounds like BLENder, but it's THUNder
Ella: Blender OFF!
Me: Well, Ella, it's THUNder and Mommy can't turn it off. It will go away when the rain stops
Ella: Thunder?
Me: Yup
Ella: Blender?
Me: Nope, thunder
Ella: Rain, blender LOUD. Make a smoothie?
Me: ???

1 comment:

Anna @ Frye Fam Happenings said...

hahaha Oh I love the blender story :) It says so much!!