Saturday, April 16, 2011

Some of my favorites

I read some really fun blogs, and some of my favorite posts have been ones like these. Just some little get-to-know-you facts:) Here are a few of my favorite things at the moment. 1. I found this when I was pregnant with Harper. Unfortunately, I am still addicted, and I no longer have pregnancy to blame!2. Dresses! I know you can wear dresses year-round, but I'm typically freezing and rarely even attempt it when it's cold. Plus, in the summer, you don't necessarily have to be super dressed up to wear a dress. Therefore, I'm pumped that Spring is here, and it's dress season again. 3. Sandals. I have been trapped in Mommy/maternity world for 3 years now. I'm ashamed to say that I really don't know if the gladiator style sandals are really IN still, but I love them. Here are my all time favorites. (Plus, I have them in a beautiful orange which gives me bonus points here in Tennessee!) 4. Panera's frozen mochas. I'm not boycotting Starbucks or anything, I'm just sick of it. We still buy their whole bean coffee to make in the mornings, and I rarely ever want much else. My sister brought me one of these evil drinks recently, and I am obsessed. Strictly a dessert, mind you. Not gonna cut it if you're actually in the mood or real coffee. P.S. Unfortunately, Panera has recently decided to post the calorie content beside each item on their menu. I do believe this is the highest thing listed...que sera 5. Adele. I've been listening to her first album a lot lately. I hate to disappoint the entire music universe, but (if I'm being honest) I'm not too crazy about her latest. Maybe it will grow on me. Her rendition of "Make you feel my love" was my favorite song when I was pregnant with Ella. I sort of dedicated it to her. I probably sang it to her a million times during those first few sleepless months. "Crazy" is Harper's song. Not all of it applies, of course, but if you've met Harper, you know how appropriate it is.

"I lubboo Mommy"

The phrase Ella has heard the most since the day she was born is "I love you". We have often asked her, "Ella, do you love Mommy/Daddy/Harper?" to which she will obligingly reply, "I love you" (or "I lubboo").

A few weeks ago, I was getting ready for work when Ella ran in and yelled, "I lubboo, Mommy!"


It doesn't seem like THAT big of a deal since we've been practically training her to say it for her whole 2.25 years of life, BUT this time she did it on her own. So special.

I guess we (me) made such a big deal about it, it has now become somewhat more routine. She'll tell Stephen and I that she loves us every so often without being prompted. Sometimes she'll go around the room, "I lubboo Mommy, I lubboo Daddy, I lubboo Harper".

A few days ago, Harper was in her room just waking up from her nap. Ella heard her first through the monitor (she always does), ran to pick it up, and yelled into the monitor, "I lubboo Ha-pah"


Thursday, April 14, 2011


God's been really dealing with me about prayer lately so I thought I'd share something that really hit home for me...

"The only enduring motive for prayer is that HE is worthy to be sought" Pastor Jim Cymbala (Brooklyn Tabernacle)

I get so caught up in my prayer to-do list, so to speak. While I do think the prayers of thanksgiving and the requests we offer up in faith are important, we pray simply because God is Lord. I love the humility of the author in this verse:

But as for me, my prayer is to you, O LORD. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness. (Psalm 69:13)

It isn't so much about what we pray, but recognizing through the act of prayer that HE is faithful regardless of the outcome. It's learning to recognize His voice, getting to know Him...

I think another big obstacle for me is that I make prayer into this big production! Not really production, but just that I feel like I need a huge block of time devoted to be quiet and alone in order to pray. I forget that I have the opportunity to just have a conversation with God! Just as I can call my husband or my sister and tell them what's going on that day, or how I'm feeling, what I'm looking forward to, nervous about, etc... That relationship gives my the ability to just talk to God.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What Harper has been up to lately:)

Harper is 7.5 months as I am writing this. She is hilarious! We don't even try to predict this one anymore:) She has been sitting up since right at 6 months. She started doing her own version of crawling about a month ago. She's getting pretty quick and efficient using her arms to pull herself across the room. I'm not sure she'll ever get to the knees part! Now that she has figured out how to get from crawling to sitting and back, she's also starting to try to pull herself up on things. I'm wondering if she might just skip real crawling... (check back later for a video of that!)

She eats pretty much everything so far: sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, pears, apples, peaches, bananas, even pumpkin!

She has SIX teeth! Yes, SIX! (The picture was taken when the two upper ones where just coming in) Ella got her first (the bottom two) between 9 and 10 months. Her second two came in on the top between 11 and 12 months. We were not expecting all these teeth for several more months! It's made nursing, sleeping, eating so difficult. We're hoping Harper gets a break for a little while now:)

GERMS and our trip to the ER (Boo!!!)

I can pretty much sum up the last few months in one word: germs! We have been so sick this year! Normally, my immune system is awesome, and I rarely (if ever!) catch anything. Not this year. It started with strep throat. I had a 103 degree fever and ended up on antibiotics for 10 days. About 10 days after finishing those, I had another high ever out of no where. Just lots of congestion/drainage, I let that virus run its course. Thankfully, up to this point, the girls had been completely healthy with not even the slightest runny nose.

Ella's ordeal started on a Saturday morning. It was nothing major, runny nose and a little cough. She was playing, eating, sleeping well. By 4 o'clock that afternoon, she had a fever of 102. About an hour later, she climbed up into my lab and got really lethargic. She wouldn't say much, but just had a pitiful whine/moan, and she felt unbelievably HOT. I checked her temperature several times over the next 15 minutes and it consistently read between 105-105.5! So scary! Immediately, I feared febrile seizure so I called the pediatricians on-call service. They instructed me to go on to Children's.

Ella did so great in the ER. They drew her blood, did a flu test, a breathing treatment, and an x-ray. She listened to us and them and followed instructions so well. (even though it was past her bedtime by this point and she was feeling lousy). They ruled out flu and pneumonia. Based on all the tests, they told us it was just a nasty virus. They got her fever down to 101-102 and sent us home with breathing treatments (due to some wheezing) to do for a few days. She recovered by mid-week with just a little lingering cough. We were so scared there for a little while. I mean, that is one HIGH fever!

(Doing a breathing treatment at home)

Since then, Stephen and I have both had some "crud" we can't seem to get completely rid of. It's very likely a mix of a cold plus the allergies that have started kicking in, especially for Stephen.

Throughout all this, little Harper has only had the slightest bit of a cough and runny nose. I will take the credit for that since I'm still breastfeeding! On the other hand, that's probably the reason I have caught EVERYTHING this season. It's killing my immune system this time around. I guess I'd still choose a healthy baby over a healthy Mommy though:) On a side note, Harper has been teething like crazy so we'll see how this goes!