The phrase Ella has heard the most since the day she was born is "I love you". We have often asked her, "Ella, do you love Mommy/Daddy/Harper?" to which she will obligingly reply, "I love you" (or "I lubboo").
A few weeks ago, I was getting ready for work when Ella ran in and yelled, "I lubboo, Mommy!"
It doesn't seem like THAT big of a deal since we've been practically training her to say it for her whole 2.25 years of life, BUT this time she did it on her own. So special.
I guess we (me) made such a big deal about it, it has now become somewhat more routine. She'll tell Stephen and I that she loves us every so often without being prompted. Sometimes she'll go around the room, "I lubboo Mommy, I lubboo Daddy, I lubboo Harper".
A few days ago, Harper was in her room just waking up from her nap. Ella heard her first through the monitor (she always does), ran to pick it up, and yelled into the monitor, "I lubboo Ha-pah"
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