Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our fifth day of Christmas

We had our first family Christmas celebration on December 23 (aka Gabriella's birthday!). We spent the day celebrating Ella (more to come on that) and the evening with mom's family. We had to "remind" Ella how exciting presents were to open at her birthday party this year. Since her birthday and Christmas are at the same time, it's been a whole year since we've done this! It's been fun...HOWEVER, now she doesn't have much patience once she lays eyes on those boxes/bags/wrapping paper! It's still as much about the actual opening as it is the gift inside. It doesn't even have to be about her. She enjoys watching (helping) everyone else too:)
Gabriella with (great) Aunt Lisa and MimiH and baby H:)
Passing out the presents
Noticing a theme this year? First Pooh, now Eeyore and Piglet!
Some of Harper's presents:)

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