Saturday, April 16, 2011

Some of my favorites

I read some really fun blogs, and some of my favorite posts have been ones like these. Just some little get-to-know-you facts:) Here are a few of my favorite things at the moment. 1. I found this when I was pregnant with Harper. Unfortunately, I am still addicted, and I no longer have pregnancy to blame!2. Dresses! I know you can wear dresses year-round, but I'm typically freezing and rarely even attempt it when it's cold. Plus, in the summer, you don't necessarily have to be super dressed up to wear a dress. Therefore, I'm pumped that Spring is here, and it's dress season again. 3. Sandals. I have been trapped in Mommy/maternity world for 3 years now. I'm ashamed to say that I really don't know if the gladiator style sandals are really IN still, but I love them. Here are my all time favorites. (Plus, I have them in a beautiful orange which gives me bonus points here in Tennessee!) 4. Panera's frozen mochas. I'm not boycotting Starbucks or anything, I'm just sick of it. We still buy their whole bean coffee to make in the mornings, and I rarely ever want much else. My sister brought me one of these evil drinks recently, and I am obsessed. Strictly a dessert, mind you. Not gonna cut it if you're actually in the mood or real coffee. P.S. Unfortunately, Panera has recently decided to post the calorie content beside each item on their menu. I do believe this is the highest thing listed...que sera 5. Adele. I've been listening to her first album a lot lately. I hate to disappoint the entire music universe, but (if I'm being honest) I'm not too crazy about her latest. Maybe it will grow on me. Her rendition of "Make you feel my love" was my favorite song when I was pregnant with Ella. I sort of dedicated it to her. I probably sang it to her a million times during those first few sleepless months. "Crazy" is Harper's song. Not all of it applies, of course, but if you've met Harper, you know how appropriate it is.


Anna @ Frye Fam Happenings said...

I LOVE Panera's and frozen. (can't stand the gigantic straw, though, so I always grab a normal one haha) The Panera closest to us just closed (or changed to Oasis something or other.) Anyway, thanks to you, now I'm craving one :)

Heather said...

Sara, 1) gladiators are classic and are "in" according to People In Style and 2) Panera is extremely evil with their 600 calorie drinks! You could drink 8 a day and be fine and super model, unfortunately I have to watch my consumption! We will have a Panera drink date soon! :) I love you!